Hi everyone, This is a friendly reminder that once Battle for Zendikar releases, the following sets will be rotating out of Standard: Magic 2015 Theros Born of the Gods Journey into Nyx This means that once Reliquary gets the update to add all the great cards in Battle for Zendikar,Read more
Card Database Update
Database Update 5.2 Available

Sorry for the extreme delay in preparing this update, but there is a new database update available. This update adds the following to Reliquary: – Duel Decks: Zendikar vs Eldrazi – From the Vault: Angels – June through November FNM Promos – Magic Origins Sample Deck Exclusives – Promo Planes &Read more
Magic Origins Now Available

Just in time for tonight’s prerelease fun, Reliquary has an update available that adds all 277 cards from Magic Origins. This update adds all 249 cards in Modern Masters 2015 to Reliquary’s powerful search. As always, head on over to Settings > Check for Database Update to download the latest cards.Read more
Database 5.0 Update Available
A new database update is available. This update adds the following to Reliquary: Clash Pack Alternate Art Additional FNM Promos Holiday Box Promos Buy A Box Promos Khans of Tarkir Prerelease & Game Day Promos Fate Reforged Prerelease & Game Day Promos Dragons of Tarkir Prerelease & Game Day Promos Tarkir Dragonfury AlternateRead more
Modern Masters 2015 Now Available

Use Reliquary to help prepare for all the upcoming Modern Masters 2015 drafts coming up. This update adds all 249 cards in Modern Masters 2015 to Reliquary’s powerful search. As always, head on over to Settings > Check for Database Update to download the latest cards. Please keep in mindRead more
Database Update Available
There is a new database update available for Reliquary users that have purchased the full version. This update adds both From the Vault: Annihilation and the new duel deck, Speed vs. Cunning.
Magic 2015 Available
A database update is available that contains Magic 2015 in all of it’s glory. This is just the base set though, no promos yet. They will be added within the next few weeks. The update also contains some fixes that will make the Unique Search feature work better. As always,Read more
Journey into Nyx Promos and Modern Event Deck Update
A database update is available for Reliquary. This update adds new cards including: Added Journey into Nyx Promos Added other Promos Added Modern Event Deck 2014 To get this update, head on over to Settings > Check for Database Update.
Journey into Nyx
With the Journey into Nyx Prerelease happening this weekend, all sorts of new cards will be available for collections and decks. Don’t worry though, Reliquary has you covered with the latest database update. Database 2.6 adds all 165 cards from Journey into Nyx. As always, this update is for theRead more
New Promo Cards Added
A new card database update is available. This brings it to version 2.41 and has the following changes: Added Born of the Gods Prerelease, Release and Game Day promos Added March and April 2014 FNM Promos As always, this update is only available to the full version of Reliquary. YouRead more