Deck Box is the powerful deck builder that is a part of Reliquary. Deck Box is deeply integrated with your Binder, so you can quickly see if you own the cards you need for your next great deck. With amazing features like Goldfishing, Sample Hand and Stats, building a deck has never been this easy.
Easy to read deck list with cards separated by card type while showing you if you own enough of each card to build the deck
Test your deck out by either playing a Solo Game or by seeing a Sample Hand.
Easily find out the cost of your deck, and with a single tap, buy the entire deck on
Add decks from various websites in a flash. If the website supports personal decks, you can even save your deck right from Reliquary (Requires In-App Purchase)
Full integration with Binder allows you to quickly hide the cards in your deck as well as add the entire deck to your collection
See how you deck breaks down by Mana Cost, Color, Mana Sources, and Card Type
Create as many Decks as you’d like. Keep them on your device, or store them on Dropbox to access it on all your devices. Deck Box uses the standard .dec file type, so you can even open decks you made with other apps or on your computer
Quickly and easily make a fully accurate Deck Sheet that you can turn in when your tournament requires one. Once created, you can email it, or print via AirPrint. Try it out with 2 free sheets, and create an unlimited amount of sheets for just $0.99